WI Land+Water is a voice for locally led conservation in Wisconsin.

Federal and state legislation and conservation policy is implemented at the local level by county land and water conservation departments (LWCDs) and land conservation committees (LCCs). As such, WI Land+Water works to enhance the capacity of LWCDs to implement sensible conservation practices that conserve our land and water. Our role is to ensure county conservation is represented in

  • Statewide legislative deliberations
  • Natural resource agency rule-making processes
  • Technical conservation standards development and review

WI Land+Water's Legislative/Administrative Committee, consisting of LWCD staff and LCC supervisors, WI Land+Water staff, and agency partners, is actively engaged with shaping our position on legislation and policy issues. The committee promotes the values of local control and flexibility in implementing conservation programs, including regulatory and voluntary approaches.

State Biennial Budget

Wisconsin's 2025-27 biennial budget provides critical funding to county conservation departments. Learn more about our budget priorities.

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Legislative Guiding Principles

Bedrock law and policy concepts that will enable us to improve land and water conservation programs and their delivery.

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Find Your Legislators

Engage with your elected officials in support of conservation.
Click the box, then type your address in the search box in the upper-right corner to find your legislators.

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