This committee reviews and takes action as deemed necessary on any proposed legislation, administrative rules, or other policy and procedure that may significantly impact the administration of conservation programs.

They are also charged with initiating action that may be needed to improve the administration of conservation programs and coordinating a statewide information exchange among all county land conservation department administrators.


Committee Members
Kurt Calkins, Columbia County LWCD, Chair
Lynda Schweikert, Chippewa County CFM, Vice Chair & Secretary

Katie Abbott, Iowa County LCD
Greg Baneck, Outagamie County LCD
Alan Barrows, Waukesha County LRD
Tom Boisvert, Lincoln County LS
Bob Bultman, Door County LCC
Scott Frank, Shawano County LCD
Brian Haase, Waupaca County LWCD
Melissa Luck, Richland County LCC
Amy Piaget, Dane County LCD
Melissa Schlupp, Sauk County LRED
Fred Strand, Bayfield County LCC
Matt Krueger, WI Land+Water Staff
Christina Anderson, WI Land+Water Staff

Guiding Principles

Mission: Lead WI Land+Water activities related to conservation legislation and rule-making, and the administration of county land and water programs.

Guiding Principles »

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