Members of this committee work to support, promote, and develop county land and water programming to protect, conserve, and enhance natural resources in the Great Lakes Basin.


Greg Coulthurst, Door County SWCD, Chair
MaryJo Gingras, Ashland County LWCD, Vice Chair
Scott Frank, Shawano County LCD, Secretary
Chris Arrowood, Langlade County
Tyler Betry, Sheboygan County LWCD
Davina Bonness, Kewaunee County LWCD 
Tim Detzer, Milwaukee County ES
Sheri Denowski, Marinette County LID
Ken Dolata, Oconto LCD
Heather Palmquist, Iron County LWCD
Geoff Schramm, Ozaukee County LWMD
Kelli Myers, WI Land+Water Staff, Treasurer (non-voting)

Todd Breiby, Wisconsin Coastal Management, DOA
Donalea Dinsmore, WDNR
Mike Friis, Wisconsin Coastal Management, DOA
Katy Smith, DATCP

Guiding Principles

Mission: Support, promote and develop WI Land+Water and county land and water programming to protect, conserve and enhance natural resources in the Great Lakes Basin.

Guiding Principles »

Upcoming Meetings

The next meeting date has not been set.

For more information about meetings, visit the Community Calendar.

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