Wisconsin Coastal Management Program Grant Due
November 4, 2022
The Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP) is seeking proposals to enhance, preserve, protect and restore resources within the state’s coastal zone – all counties adjacent to Lakes Superior and Michigan, with their nearly 1000 miles of shoreline. We anticipate awarding up to $1.6 million in grant funding.
WCMP Grants are available for coastal wetland protection and habitat restoration, nonpoint source pollution control, coastal resource and community planning, Great Lakes education, public access and historic preservation. Applications are due November 4, 2022.
Applicants are encouraged to contact WCMP staff early to discuss ideas for project proposals and application requirements.
When developing proposals, please pay close attention to the following items:
· Application materials and the Request for Proposals are available on the WCMP website (
· There is a cost-share requirement for all projects. Matching funds must be from non-federal sources, and may be in the form of in-kind contributions.
· For habitat restoration and construction projects, be sure to include copies of all required permits or permit applications and title documentation with the application materials.
· For all projects, be sure to include copies of required documentation and letters of support.