Conservation Training

Restoration Project Planning and Site Preparation

November 17, 2021

12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Location: Online

This workshop aims to provide practitioners with guidelines for developing achievable restoration plans as well as to provide practical information to help them determine the best approach to preliminary phases of restoration. The module will also provide technical guidance on site preparation and creating appropriate seed mixes.

TOPIC 1: Project planning: How to develop a habitat restoration/enhancement plan (including necessary elements to be considered and integrated).
Meri Holm, Wildlife Biologist & Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Pollinator Coordinator, USFWS

TOPIC 2: Site selection through site preparation methods for large-scale habitat creation and enhancement projects (including how to determine which methods(s) are most appropriate for your project site).
Julia Kemnitz, Private Lands Biologist, USFWS

TOPIC 3: Native plant materials: Considerations for designing seed mixes and selecting plant materials for habitat enhancement and restoration.
Elizzabeth Kaufman, Plant Ecologist, Pollinator Partnership