Conservation Training

Heifer Grazing Compass Webinar

June 9, 2022

10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Online

The seminar will be a hands-on training session for the Heifer Grazing Compass from the University of Wisconsin and the Grassland 2.0 project. This session is intended for farmers interested in grazing and agricultural service providers. We will be walking through the different dynamics of the decision support tool using data based on a case study of a small family-owned dairy farm in Wisconsin that recently converted to a pasture-based system for their heifers. Participants are encouraged to download the tool and fill in the input data from the case study before the session. This is because in this training session we aim to have a rich discussion of the different functions of the tool, and the possible "learning experiences" that can be displayed with the tool.

After registering and prior to the webinar, I will send you instructions to prepare for this webinar. If you do not receive an email upon submission of your registration, contact Penny at

Check out this link to find out more about the Heifer Grazing Compass -