Conservation Training
Dragonfly Ecology And Behavior
July 12, 2023
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Land O' Lakes, WI
Robert is a biologist, limnologist, ecologist, and naturalist. Robert holds a BS in Science, Science Education and History and an MS in Biology from East Tennessee State University. Robert also holds a Ph.D. in Zoology with emphasis on Ecology and Evolution from UW Madison. Robert’s professional career has included research, teaching and outreach to teachers, students and communities throughout Wisconsin. For the past 20 years, much of Robert’s research and outreach has focused on urban limnology and ecology in the USRW, especially in Verona area stormwater retention and detention ponds, as well as in Badger Mill Creek. Part of that work led to the creation of a local dragonfly field guide that he produced with his undergraduate and graduate students, as well as area k-12 teachers and volunteer citizen scientists. Robert also enjoys beginning his day with meditation and quiet reflection and then writing a poem each morning that bridges the natural and spiritual worlds. Dragonflies show up in many of these poems. Robert has proudly and enthusiastically served as the president of the board of directors of the Upper Sugar River Watershed Association since 2019.