We kicked off our 3rd annual WI Land+Water Middle School Conservation Camp on June 9 - June 12 at Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center in Wisconsin Dells, by welcoming 50 campers from across the state.
Campers spent their days participating in team-building exercises and exploring one of the four stations Scales, Scutes and Skins, Invasive Species, Nature Crafts and Archery. Campers rotated in groups where they had the opportunity to hike Blackhawk Island and explore its vast history, canoe down the Wisconsin River and participate in an Outdoor Survival/Orienteering session. Each evening campers gathered around the campfire to sing songs and participate in skits while feasting on smores and pudgy pies. Campers also had fun swimming, fishing, playing water carnival games and ghost in the graveyard.
Other highlights of camp included a visit from Cory Gritzmacher and Tilia, a special conservation dog from the Mequon Nature Preserve. Tilia is trained to sniff out invasive species like wild parsnip, salamanders and wood turtles. Campers also learned about how the use of worms- Vermicomposting breaks down food scraps, leaves and paper and converts it into natural fertilizer.
Camp wrapped up with a fun game of Preditor Prey where they learned about habitat and the food chain. After camp awards, it was time to say goodbye to the campers and hello to their families. It was a fun few days and we hope they had a fun time meeting new friends and making lots of fun memories.
Check out what happens at camp with Simon Dischler who journaled about the experience!
Please like our WI Land+Water Youth Education Facebook page where you can view more camp photos!