These resources are intended as a starting point to support conservation staff and officials to integrate these concepts into your everyday work.

While we come from many different backgrounds, land and water connect us all. It's why WI Land+Water's mission is to protect, conserve, and enhance Wisconsin's natural resources for current and future generations. We also believe that everyone should have a voice in protecting the water that we drink, the land we manage, the sites that tell our history, and the places that we call home.

Our conservation community has a unique opportunity to grow stronger by embracing the many voices that make Wisconsin unique. By actively including perspectives across age, gender, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, ability, education, and rural/urban experiences, we can enhance our ability to collaborate effectively and address soil and water issues. 


Federal & State Harassment Laws

National Laws
Find out more about Civil Rights Compliance under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in all programs or activities receiving federal funding.

Additionally, Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

WI State Statute
Section 111.31 - 111.395 Wisconsin Statutes also prohibits discrimination in employment and protects workers from harassment in the workplace because of their race, color, creed, ancestry, national origin, age (40 and up), disability, sex, arrest or conviction record, marital status, sexual orientation, or membership in the military reserve. Learn more about these protections here.

It is unclear through Wisconsin Statute the extent that independent contractors fall under civil rights protections. Visit the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development for guidance on worker classification. And read this legal memorandum to see specific Wisconsin Statutory language and case law that apply to protections of independent contractors.

Sample Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Here is a template form for Land Conservation Departments who are looking to adopt a Discrimination Policy, particularly when working with contractors.

Find a sample harassment policy created by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development here.

Sexual Harassment

Wisconsin state law protects workers against sexual harassment. Learn more about definitions, the ways it may manifest, liability, and response avenues to it here.

To learn more about fostering cultures where harassment is not tolerated and empower people who witness or experience harassment to take action, explore Beyond Compliance: Inclusive, Modern Sexual Harassment Training.

Recruitment, Hiring, and Onboarding

Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Staff: Implementing Better Practices and Mitigating Bias is a webinar hosted by Training Resources for the Environmental Community (TREC). This session shares better practices for creating job descriptions, compensation policies, and onboarding and training plans, all that support both current and new staff. Special emphasis is paid to making the process more equitable and inclusive.

Intergenerational Resources

Generations unmasked is a session hosted at the 68th WI Land+Water conference in 2020. The description for the session is: "Working from home is against company policy. Video conference meetings won't work for us. People working from home are too distracted. Statements like this were common, until we were forced to change, quickly. How the generations are adapting however is quite different. This seminar will provide generational trends, characteristics and most importantly, strategies to provide insight and understanding into the impacts of the pandemic on our workforce." The presenter is Brad Gingras of Superior Strategies.

To learn more about Gen Z employees and understand how to help them find their place at work, read this Harvard Business Review article.

Governance Opportunities

This flyer is about equitable governance. Produced in 2022, it identifies key county roles, opportunities, and strategies for governing with equity as outlined by the National Association of Counties (NACo).

Additionally, you can view county declarations and resolutions from Wisconsin that have formally expressed the county lawmaking body's opinion and intent to take action to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion into county operations.

Working with Landowners and Communities

Working with Diverse Communities is a webinar WI Land+Water hosted in 2016. Through the lens of working with Amish and Hmong communities, the presenters emphasize the need for empathy and provide strategies to break barriers.

Growing Diversity in WI (p. 8-9) is an article in a 2022 Wisconsin Counties Association newsletter. It outlines racial and ethnic changes in Wisconsin over the past 30 years.

Additionally, learn about the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts' CARE Program. The purpose is to increase the number of farmers/ranchers participating in conservation planning and programs in order to improve soil health, water quality, and the viability of working lands. The CARE project places an emphasis on assisting socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers/ranchers.