Plastics Pollution
Recorded on October 26, 2021
Leah Holloway, Program Manager for Milwaukee Riverkeeper - Together we'll learn how plastics get into our environment, why they are so harmful, why they are so hard to get rid of, and steps we can all take, individually and collectively, to make a big difference.
Don Jodrey, Director of Federal Government Relations for the Alliance for the Great Lakes, will present on the issue of plastic pollution in the Great Lakes. Don will discuss the scope of the problem in the Lakes from the Alliance's perspective and how the Alliance encounters plastic pollution through their annual adopt-a-beach program, as well as their role in working to ban the use of plastic micro-beads in personal care products. The presentation will also focus briefly on various state and federal efforts to regulate plastics in freshwater environments and make recommendations on how to think about the effort to regulate plastics holistically so as to reduce the harmful effects of plastics on natural resources such as the Great Lakes.