State Land and Water Conservation Board
Rebecca Clarke, Sheboygan County, Lake Michigan Area; Monte Osterman, Racine County, Southeastern Area; and Thomas Mandli, Marinette County, have been elected as WI Land+Water delegates to the State LWCB. Their term began January 2023.
The State of Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Board (LWCB) is housed within the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and advises DATCP and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Chapters 92 and 281.65 of the Wisconsin statutes further delineate the LWCB’s program authorities and responsibilities.
The LWCB is composed of three state agency leaders; one Governor-appointed member that serves a two-tear term; four Governor-appointed members representing urban, rural, river management and natural resource preservation areas; and three of our county land conservation committee members.
Holding Elections - View the 2024 LWCB Election Policy
In even-numbered years, WI Land+Water elects three members to serve on the state LWCB. Each Area Association is encouraged to nominate one candidate to serve on the LWCB. The candidate's name and a one-page biography will be due to Kelli Myers (kelli [at] by noon on Monday, September 30, 2024. Area associations should consider meeting ahead of this to nominate a candidate (or modifying a summer tour to accommodate a brief business session to nominate a candidate).