Advocacy Resources for Our Members

WI Land+Water works with legislators and partner groups to advance our conservation priorities, including budget and legislative bills. 

While we have lobbyists and partners that support our goals, there is nothing more effective than our local member conservationists speaking to the importance of conservation priorities in their own words. 

We encourage you to reach out, connect with your legislators, and advocate for locally led conservation. 

Budget FAQs

What is this main goal of this advocacy effort?

Our top priority is to secure $20.2 million in base funding for county land and water conservation departments. 

Our elected decision makers need to hear from our members so that they understand the role county conservation staff plan in supporting successful farms, protecting our drinking water, and brining in dollars for their communities. 

Who is the JFC?

Something JFC here??

State Budget Timeline

Something here about the state budget timeline. Ways for our members to get engaged throughout the the process. 

*Ask phil if we can have a no overlay banner width as a "lightbox" popout with zoom, or just format an image module to be that size. 


Find the tools, tips, and resources you need to be a conservation champion. By using our Budget Action Checklist (TBDeveloped), you can take steps to help support our priorities. 

Get to Know the Issues

The first step is making sure you are familiar with WI Land+Water's budget priorities. It's important to know our specific requests and the messaging we are using to promote the work of our members and locally led conservation. 

Engage with Your Representatives

Building relationships with elected officials is key to advancing our conservation priorities. We encourage you to call your representatives early and often. We want them to be familiar with our work and understand the value of our people so they can better consider our budget requests. Here are some ways you can connect with your legislators.

Share Your Top Three

Share your county's top priorities with this customizable template to spotlight your initiatives.

Organize a Visit

Hosting an elected official can be easy! We're here to help and this how-to guide provides step-by-step instructions.

Meet & Make Your Ask

We developed a customizable script, and provide tips for meeting with your legislators.

Show Your Support

You can also show your public support for locally led conservation through these actions. 

Contact County Lobbyist

Something about sharing the budget handout with lobbyist?

Pass A Resolution

Use this template to show your county support for fully funding conservation.

Write an Op-Ed

Show your support by writing an op-ed for your local paper. Use these customizable templates for inspiration.

Conservation in Action

Lean more about the success conservation projects happening in your county so you can share them with your elected officials. 

All of these stories highlight the many ways our members provide technical assistance for their communities. 

Supporting Farmers

No one understands the Wisconsin landscape better than farmers. They also understand the value of their county conservation staff.

We asked five Wisconsin farmers to share how they've benefited from working with their county conservation departments. From improved soil health to increased profits, farmers are seeing a range of successes when they partner with conservation staff.

Hear From Farmers

Protecting Drinking Water

The Village of Athens in Marathon County has been grappling with a significant environmental challenge: rising levels of nitrates in its municipal drinking water supply. To address this pressing concern, the Marathon County LWCD, in partnership with the Marathon County Health Department, Wisconsin Rural Water Association, and the Village of Athens, developed an innovative approach they call "The Marathon Method." 

Connect With Us

To discuss our budget priorities or for more questions, contact Matt Krueger. 

Connect Now