Conservation Training

What's New at the National Wetlands Inventory Program

November 1, 2022

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Location: Online

Please join us for a webinar highlighting what's new at the National Wetlands Inventory Program. This presentation will feature important NWI updates for anyone using or producing NWI wetlands data. The presenters will provide background on NWI's renewed commitment to working with the USGS NHD/3DEP program in an effort to bring these datasets closer together. In addition, they will provide details on new guidance documents, information on mapping wetlands to the Federal standard, introduce a new linear data layer option for those interested in mapping beyond the standard, showcase new and improved QAQC tools, and report on the status of mapping in the U.S. The NWI Program is also excited to introduce new staff members and provide information on how to best communicate with the Program and request support!