Conservation Training

Water Leaders Summit

Event starts on July 20, 2021

Repeats: Jul 27, 2021, Jul 28, 2021, Jul 29, 2021

9:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: Online

Roads and water intertwine in many ways, from roads destroyed by increasingly frequent flooding to heavy water use in the construction industry. As the government discusses broad infrastructure packages, roads and water are two of the most cited needs. Then there is the figurative road to good water stewardship, a route we as a society are building even as we walk it.

We’ll discuss all that and more at the virtual 2021 Water Leaders Summit. We are bringing together water thought leaders for six morning sessions filled with fascinating panels and interviews. You’ll hear from top transportation officials such as Aimee Flannery of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Ed Sniffen of the Hawaii Department of Transportation will tell us about the challenges of maintaining, rebuilding and relocating roads on a collection of islands increasingly threatened by rising sea levels. Carol Ellinger Haddock of Houston Public Works will tell of the harrowing days after a severe winter storm left her city without running water and what she learned from the crisis.