Conservation Training

Stream crossing workshop

January 17, 2023

9:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: Online

The Oneida County Land & Water Conservation Department has announced its final stream crossing workshop to be held on January 17, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. This workshop is the culminating event for our 3-year stream crossing project, which collected data on fish passability, culvert condition, stream crossing erosion, and native mussels. Staff will highlight stream inventory work done in the Towns of Cassian, Newbold, Nokomis, Pine Lake, Stella, Sugar Camp, Three Lakes, and Woodboro, but also summarize data collected in all 20 Towns. Please join us to find what we discovered!

Town officials, road crews, natural resource managers, lake group members, and all who care about Oneida County rivers and streams are encouraged to attend this FREE workshop. Registration is required.