Conservation Training
Reducing CO2 emissions in dairy and beef: promising research/technologies
February 9, 2023
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Online
For more details about the full webinar series see: or Cooperative Extension staff may register from the CCE Staff website:;
The Cornell Civic Ecology Lab and CCE are sponsoring a webinar discussion on food systems solutions to reduce climate emissions. The goal is to foster a learning community around food systems and climate solutions. This series has been planned to (1) promote learning and sharing among CCE educators interested in food solutions to climate emissions, including plant-rich diet, reducing food wastes, alt-proteins, and reducing methane emissions on farms, (2) create a dialogue on county and state actions CCE can take to reduce food-related climate emissions, and (3) create a support structure for continued learning, programming, and actions related to food solutions to climate emissions. The series will be held for 8 weeks on Thursdays at 3pm (register separately for each webinar). Discussion and sharing to follow presentations.