Conservation Training
Pesticide Applicator Training Program
Event starts on December 7, 2021
Repeats: Jan 25, 2022, Feb 15, 2022, Mar 15, 2022, Apr 5, 2022
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Online
The UW Pesticide Applicator Training Program has created multiple formats for private applicator trainings to address increased training demand.
A private applicator is someone that applies restricted use pesticides to produce an agricultural commodity on their own property or the property owned or rented by an employer. Examples of agricultural commodities are grain and forage crops, fruit crops or horticulture products. A restricted use pesticide can be identified by checking the label of the product you wish to use.
A Private Applicator Certification is valid for 5 years. There are three steps toward certification: purchasing the training manual, training and taking the test.