Conservation Training

Lead Service Line Inventory Guidance

February 27, 2024

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Location: Webinar

EPA Lead Service Line Inventory Guidance - Melanie Bolden and Holly Young, EPA Office of Water

  • Developing a lead service line (LSL) inventory and identifying the location of LSLs is the

first step for beginning LSL replacement and protecting public health. The purpose of this

presentation is to walk through the EPA’s Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a

Service Line Inventory. The guidance provides support for the service line inventory

requirements according to the 2021 Lead and Copper Rule Revisions, referred to as LCRR.

Colorado Lead Service Line Inventory Guidance - Melanie Criswell and Haley Orahood, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

  • This presentation will cover Colorado’s initial service line inventory guidance policy,

which builds on EPA’s LSL inventories guidance document. Colorado water systems

requested a policy to formalize requirements and expectations related to issues such as

calling galvanized lines non-lead, statistical modeling, and non-lead cutoff dates.

Colorado will discuss some of state specific policy decisions on the initial service line

inventory and potential Lead and Copper Rule Improvements impacts.