Conservation Training

Lakeshore Property Owners - Connect Land, Shoreline, & Water Resources

March 7, 2024

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Online

PaulMeuer, Land Protection Manager, Tall Pines Conservancy, and Mike Marek,President and Landscape Ecologist at Marek Landscaping, will help you makepractical connections to the "why and how" of developing and caringfor waterfront property using shoreline plantings and restoration to fosterhabitat and water quality health.

Paulwill present an overview of why it is important to understand how your land,your shoreline, and your water resources are connected to one another. Mikespecializes in top notch shoreline landscaping practices. He is a force forpositive change in how you can connect shoreline design and management,utilizing green infrastructure.