Conservation Training

Intro to Urban Soil Health for Conservation Planning and Management

April 22, 2024

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Location: Online

In this webinar, Josh Beniston, NRCS Regional Soil Health Specialist covering urban areas, will present an overview of soil health in the context of urban soils. We’ll look at what aspects of urban soils may be different than rural agricultural soils and discuss the additional questions and observations we should address for conservation planning in urban soils. The information in the presentation will follow the topics that are presented in a new series of technical notes from the NRCS Soil Health Division. Specific topics in the presentation include:


  • Basics of urban soil health: current understanding on classification, unique properties, and resource concerns commonly found in urban soils


  • Site evaluation for urban soil health: background investigation of urban sites for conservation planning, tools for field evaluation of urban soils, and laboratory testing of urban soils


  • Conservation practices for urban soil health: discuss the small-scale application of several NRCS conservation practices with the potential to improve urban soils