Conservation Training

Growing Hope: Practical Tools for Our Changing Climate

February 28, 2023

11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Location: Online

Join us for NCAT’s third annual national conference beginning Tuesday, February 28, 2023! This free virtual convening will feature renowned speakers and showcase farm stories that make the connection between our changing climate, healthy soils, and farm productivity and resilience.

We will hear from farmers and ranchers who are producing food, fiber, and fuel in ways that restore and maintain landscape health and mitigate greenhouse gases. We will hear from producers who have come to understand the centrality of carbon to agroecosystems. We will share stories of people coming together to support each other in challenging times.

Click here to register:

We will leave you with an understanding of climate beneficial agriculture and actions you can take on your own land to make your farm and your local community resilient in the long term.