Conservation Training

Enbridge Line 5 Oil Pipeline Reroute

May 24, 2022

9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: Iron County, WI

This will be a half day driving tour in Iron and Ashland Counties with stops to discuss major issues Wisconsin's Green Fire has identified with the proposed oil pipeline reroute.

Wisconsin's Green Fire members will join our WGF Enbridge Review Team, Tribal Natural Resources Department staff, and Midwest Environmental Advocates staff for informal discussions and a driving tour of sites in Iron and Ashland County along the path of the proposed oil pipeline reroute. We will meet in Gurney, Wisconsin. For those who are comfortable car pooling, we will consolidate the number of vehicles as we do a driving tour with stops to provide for discussion. We will do some walking on uneven ground in a somewhat rugged setting. Please wear sturdy walking shoes and dress for the weather with bug repellent as desired. June can be buggy in the woods in northern Wisconsin. Participants should wear long pants and long sleeves and consider a hat and head net if desired. Please bring drinking water and snacks as desired. The last stop will be at Copper Falls State Park, where a vehicle admission sticker will be required. Please come prepared to pay state park admission fees if you don't have a vehicle sticker. We will provide sandwiches and beverages for lunch at Copper Falls State Park, where rest rooms will be available.