Conservation Training

December 2022 Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grants Workshop

December 13, 2022

8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Location: Wisconsin Dells, WI

The Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grants Workshop provides a time for farmer-led groups across Wisconsin to convene with one another.

The Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grants Workshop is hosted by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection for farmers in Producer-Led groups and their collaborators to convene with one another about topics pertinent to the groups. At least ONE FARMER and ONE COLLABORATOR from each group are required to attend.

This December's workshop will focus on topics related to the maintenance and advancement of farmer-led groups in the morning. In the afternoon right after lunch, workshop attendees will join with Wisconsin Cover Crop Conference attendees for a joint keynote presentation followed by a farmer panel on soil health and profitability.