Conservation Training
Conservation Bus Tour: West Central Region
July 31, 2024
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location: Ellsworth, WI
All Aboard! Join us for an exciting adventure as we criss-cross Dairyland’s fields and farms learning about conservation practices that the women stewards of Wisconsin have implemented on their land.
The Pierce county tour will certainly give you new ideas and exposure to a variety of farming styles, along with connections to other women farmers and resource professionals. From the bus, en route to two amazing local farms, we will see and discuss various cropping practices, erosion control techniques, pollinator habitat and more. Once on site you will hear the stories, challenges, lessons learned, and upcoming goals directly from these awesome women farmers. The tours of Twin Folk Farms by Darla, and also Cella at Oxheart Farm, both located near Hager City, will showcase so many practices including: rotational grazing of grassfed beef and sheep, hog and poultry production, a CSA operation with grass-fed milk and yogurt farmstand. Register today and come see it all!
Conservation professionals from the region will be along to explain various conservation practices and opportunities to get connected to resources to help you implement any practices that will get you closer to your goals.
All women farmers, landowners and conservationists from Trempealeau, La Crosse, Monroe, Pierce, Pepin, Buffalo, and surrounding counties are welcome to attend-- wherever you are in your journey, from beginners to experts!