Conservation Training

2023 Equity in Conservation Cooperative Agreements Applicant Webinar

April 11, 2023

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: Online

USDA is investing up to $70 million in cooperative agreements to support outreach to underserved producers about opportunities with NRCS for natural resource conservation, climate-smart agriculture and forestry. The Equity in Conservation Outreach Cooperative Agreements expand outreach for the delivery of conservation assistance to underserved communities and provide opportunities for students to pursue careers in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences. Agreements are available for up to three-year projects that extend outreach to farmers who are beginning, limited resource, socially disadvantaged, and veterans.

Join us for this live webinar, one of four that the NRCS Outreach and Partnerships Division will host to talk about this funding opportunity. The same content will be provided in each session; please choose the session that works best for your schedule. Registration is not required; simply click the link(s) below at your desired time. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the close of each session.